Saturday, February 14, 2015


An important part of being a good designer is having the ability to see something in different ways and reconfigure it. The reason I find this important is because a lot of people will make a design, think it's the best one ever, and then just leave it as is. An in class assignment I did was to take a book cover and redesign it - anyway I wanted to. I chose the book Smashed by Koren Zailckas (the one on the left), which is an autobiography about how she abused alcohol as an adolescent for over 10 years. As you can see, it is plain with fonts that don't match, colors that clash, and an uncertainty as to what the book is all about.

So, I found a picture of a broken wine glass (the one on the right) and played around with it a little bit. I made the glass a kind of brownish color, to resemble the color of whiskey. I then picked a font that seemed slurred and almost drunken to go along with the theme of alcoholism. The other font I used is simple, not distracting, and is the same color as the title and the wine glass.  So please, take my advice on this one and don't be afraid to play around with your work! You never know - your second, third or fourth design might be more effective than your first.