Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I'll Take A Cosmo, Please

When I think of my favorite magazine, I picture the word "Cosmopolitan" spread across the front cover of a magazine with its tall, bold, colorful typeface. Cosmopolitan, if you didn't know, is a women's magazine focusing on health, beauty, sex and fashion. This magazine ALWAYS has a picture of a beautiful female celebrity on the front with her head just slightly covering up some of the letters of the title. The color of the title ALWAYS works with the outfit being worn as well, which makes it seem purposeful and connected. I like how Cosmopolitan does this consistently, because it creates a strong brand identity.

 This magazine has many other elements that make it consistent. If you look at the magazine cover samples I have shown, there are circles in the top right corners with the celebrities names underneath. On the left side, there are phrases that have to do with sex with a big number somewhere nearby. There are also several typefaces and colors used, making the covers look visually appealing, gives the covers some depth, and allows for a sense of individuality. The colors are attractive for women, the target audience, and really draws the eyes in. So, what do you say, want a cosmo?

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